Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It’s a GIRL


Sounds happy right? This could be what expectant couples might sound like when they welcome a new member into this world. Except that it’s not the same sound with every couple, especially when the new member is a girl. 

You may now have got an idea as to what this post is all about. Yes. It’s about a malaise called female foeticide/infanticide that exists in our society. 

For any couple, the birth of their child ranks as the happiest moment in their lives. Except that in many cases, the happiness is not the same or missing if the child turns out to be a girl. This is terrible. What has the young baby done to earn the displeasure or wrath of their parents/relatives? 

You may think that this happens only with illiterate parents in rural areas. No. This happens everywhere.  Alarmingly, the no. of such cases is high in urban areas, that too with educated couples. I personally came across one such case.

Back in Tuticorin, we were being taken on a visit to one of my former company’s CSR camps. I was with a colleague, a nice guy whom I got to know a couple of weeks back.  We were chatting on the way when he received a call. I could sense that it was a call conveying some news, something good. His face lighted up after the call and with delight he informed me that his cousin had delivered twin girls. I had no idea as to who they were and all, yet I felt delighted. Such is the joy that a young one brings. Yet it was short lived. 

After sometime, he again got a call. This time I could sense that the voice on the other end was sombre and his replies were angry in nature. Sitting in a bus next to him, it wasn’t difficult to hear and figure out what was going on. Apparently their cousin’s family was dejected it seems. They were worried that it was a girl, not just a girl but girls. WHAT THE HECK!!

Again I could sense something stir inside me. It was a rage that I kept under control. I felt like grabbing the phone from him and blurt out all the cuss words that came to my mind. Thankfully, he was very sensible enough to chide them in the strictest terms and this calmed me down.

 I sat that day, wondering how they could do this to the little girls. What have they done to earn this displeasure right at their birth? Will they be brought up well considering that they were disliked right at their birth? How will they react if they come to know that they were unwelcome additions to their family? 

It was then that I read about this problem. I was shocked to learn how prevalent this malaise was in our society. Aamir Khan, for his part, shed some light on this issue in Satyameva Jayate. Yet, I feel that this problem can’t be solved unless people themselves realize, welcome and embrace the girl child.

My mom says that in the olden times, people preferred boys as bringing up girls were considered to be expensive. What crap!! These days bringing up a boy is equally expensive, if not more. I once asked my mom as to what she’d have done if I had been born a girl. She replied that she’d have loved me even more. That cheered me up.  I could feel proud of my parents. In fact, my mom told me that my dad was visibly disappointed when my brother was born, as his second-born also turned out to be a ‘he’ instead of a ‘she’. Yet it was just a short lived disappointment and they showered us with all the love and care that we could hope for in this world.

I always wanted a girl for a child. Whether it was the absence of a sister in my life or something, I do not know. But I always wanted a girl child. Once when my colleagues were discussing as to what child they would prefer having, I categorically stated that I’d like to have atleast one daughter. Where it came from, I do not know. But I said what I said and realized that’s what I wanted. 

Wanting a daughter doesn’t mean that I’d hate my child if I end up having a son. Every child is precious. A girl child is even more precious. All educated couples should realize this and educate others too. 

I know a lot of couples with daughters who have been brought up like princesses. Their happiness is proof enough that girls bring unforeseen joy into the household. The joy that you experience when your young daughter smiles at you, is unparalleled, I’m told. 

Support the girl child and she’ll make you proud one day. 

This post is dedicated to all the wonderful women who I had the good fortune of getting to know in my life namely my mom, aunts, grandmas, cousins, friends, colleagues, teachers and every other woman who has inspired this world to be a better place
Perseverance, Patience and Love, thy name is Woman!!

-Ashwin Murali

PS: I have used myself as an example at many places in this post just to drive home the point. That should in no way indicate that I’m looking for a girl or marriage is around the corner :-) Marriage is atleast a good 4 years away ;-)  :-)


jin said...

nice read...even i would love a girl kid in future...

Ashmur said...

Thanks da :-) Nice to know that you'd prefer a girl too :-)

Mradul Shukla said...

good writing and the post script was even more interesting:P

Ashmur said...

Thanks a lot :-) Yeah , I know ;P :-)